Thursday, June 25, 2009


In October of 2007 my mother transferred to me the administration and management of their small property here in Quezon City, Philippines pending the legal transfer of the property to me and my younger sister.

The property is about 618 square meters; it has a duplex house, a small lawn and garden and a small processing area for making herbal teas. (Haliya Teas)

The concept came in bits and pieces of what we can do with and in the property to maintain it without compromising the garden. The first idea obviously was to sell plants since the most of the plants are reproducing rapidly and we just usually throw it at the vacant lot beside us especially after the rainy season. So put up plants for sale signs at the gate, church and almost everywhere within the community nothing happened as in zero, we have to rethink again. Ah! What can we do?

The next idea was to have the plants rented out to offices, caterers, etc.; we called up friends, offices, caterers, etc. again zero. Then I remember suddenly the roasted chicken business we did back in Cavite; thanks to the lechon manok (roasted chicken) of Sr. Pedro that we were eating at the time which we bought at the corner.

By the way I am a civil engineer by profession but I love cooking, gardening and weird small scale livestock raising.

The roasted chicken business we did at Cavite was named TXT Us Chicken for roast the chicken at home and have it delivered within the area all the customer have to do is to send us a SMS message on their mobile phones for their orders. It was a hit but unfortunately the bird flu craze came; sales went down so we have to shut down.

The idea is to revive the roasted chicken here in Quezon City but with a little twist; first we will smoke it a bit before roasting. So I fabricated a grill and a smoker. Then I bought two whole chicken but then another idea came why not also pork so I also bought pigue, liempo, unprocessed bacon cut and unflavored sausages (longanisa lucban). I went home prepared the meats and smoked and grilled them. Sarap! Delicious! Oishi! You might forget your name I know I did. I was also able to make pork and chicken ham and bacon without the use of chemical preservatives as in zero.

Then came the idea of setting up a not so private resto since I'm from Bicol we taught of adding dishes from my Bicol aside from grilled, roasted and smoked meats; why not include fishes too.

I remember my 7 year old daughter (my unica iha) telling me she wanted to be chef after attending a pizza making kids seminar with Greenwich a pizza parlor. So, why not Paulett's Kitchen Garden? Why not! And add pizza to the menu; so be it Paulette's Kitchen Garden!
Right now were still fixing the place and hopefully we could open before December.


Paulette's Kitchen Garden

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