Thursday, June 25, 2009


A closer look inside the brooder box. The chicks at two weeks old with an average weight of 250 to 300 grams. Feeds at 1 kilo from 7th to 10th day and 1 1/2 kilo from 11th to 14th day.

The chicks are left to roam the whole day and are fed half the amount in the morning and half in the afternoon. Biolyte crystalized ascorbic acid is added to their water for the whole day and pure water at night from day one. Hydrite was given on the 7th day for two days.

Three chicks died on the middle of the week during the night because of the cold breeze and heavy rains that night. Two naked necks and one regular. I did not antcipate the winds I did not place any protection but now theres old sack coverings that I can let down during heavy rains and winds plus two 25 watt incandescent bulbs to heat up the area.

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