Sunday, June 28, 2009


For the first two weeks I gave the chicks feeds from FEEDPRO chick booster 100. OK naman, no offense to FEEDPRO; except that its smells even if we clean and disinfect daily.

On the 3rd week I already bought different grains like corn, green peas, soya, rice and wheat bran, etc. and ground them just enough for the chicks to be able to eat them. No chemicals or whatever added to the feeds but watch out for rats. We now have rats unlike the first two weeks.

Right now even if we only disinfect weekly the smell is negligible but of course there will still be some smell its manure obviously, but not so strong. By the way I also feed them leftover rice and food, vegtable cuttings saka sapal ng niyog. From day 21 I only give them 2 kilos of feed.

Mixed grains feeds ungrounded

Grounded mixed grain ready for feeding
On the water no problem I use BIOLYTE OK very effective up to now no antibiotics and no vaccine given. The only added medicine I gave them is Hydrite every week and for deworming on their 21st day. I also ive them crystallized ascorbic acid everyday together with the BIOLYTE. Until now to signs of colds and weakness.
Today I will not give them any feeds and see what happens. I read in one of the blogs in solraya that on of the grower did not give any feeds after 21 days.

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